Sunday, March 1, 2009

unclear victory

Well, I got a phone call this morning from a friend telling me to look outside cause it was snowing. It was sort of know that really wet snow that somehow manages to form into snow flakes and turn the ground into a mess of slush. Well that is what it was. It lasted for all of about 30 minutes. I guess officially it was snow.
Also I went to the doctor after all my friends bugging me to go and get checked out. It basically went as I expected. I told him all the symptoms and that I was 95% sure it was the sciatic nerve. He said it sounded right, told me to rest (yeah right), ice the back, and take anti-inflammatory drugs. I guess I will try to take it easy, although its not the easiest thing to do when you are moving to a new country.

Anyway, that's all I've got to say about that


alaskan arndts said...

What is it with preachers and resting? Are you guys all allergic to sitting down?
Hope it feels better soon anyway.


Cove Girl said...

I don't know if it's so much a preacher not being able to rest as much as it is a guys ego and not wanting to admit that sometimes they need to just slow down at get some rest. Either way they definitely blur each other.

Kassandra said...

Hope you feel better soon, noah. :o)