Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This is fr0m a village in Syria where they still speak biblical Aramic. I think it is one of the last places in the world. Aramic is actually really close to Arabic, so I could understand a fair amount.

A view of the Crusader castle from the top. It is a HUGE place

This is the secondary wall. The castle is basically built out of the mountain, and then there is a second fortified wall (shown here), and inside there is another wall. I can't imagine trying to storm this place.

A Moat! so cool! just like out of the books and movies. The moat also provided water through a system of aquaducts.

This is one of Damascus' famous covered markets places. This one is called Suq al-hamadiyya. It kinda makes you feel like you are in Aladdin.
The outer wall of Old Damascus
Lebanon! and snow. Lebanon has snow in the mountain until about the end of March. If my back was in better condition I would be tempted to go up for a day and play around.
The kids eating lunch. The younger ones are the ones I am taking care of. There are 10 of them and their ages range from 5 - 10 years old.


alaskan arndts said...

That castle is so COOL! And "your" kids are cute but then again, most kids are. Is your back feeling any better? Even a little bit? I do hope it feels better cause back pain is one of the worst.
Praying for you,

P.S. Did you hear that Redoubt blew?

Noah said...

yeah, I heard redoubt blew. I wish I could have seen it. Unfortunately my back is not any better. I started seeing a chiropractor, we'll see what happens.

Kassandra said...

Great pictures, it's so cool to see this stuff. Thanks for sharing! Praying for you and your back. :o)