Tuesday, February 3, 2009

wenak ya ghayib?

That means...well actually it doesn't really translate now that I think about it, but approximately it means, 'where have you been, you've been absent'
Anyway, no real excuse for the absence, just been busy with work, study, and life in Jordan. Also, a few friends came over from Lebanon for a few days so I was busy with them.
I don't even have any kind of exciting news to share, or news that I feel free to share anyway. Life is going pretty normal, or as normal as life might be able to be for an alaskan living in the middle east. I actually met another alaskan a few days ago. She is a girl who just started studying Arabic at the University of Jordan. She is from Eagle River. It felt pretty strange to meet a fellow alaskan here...it also felt oddly comforting. I don't understand why there seems to be a connection just cause we grew up in the same state, but honestly I felt like just that single point made us instant friends. I mean, it is not like I know her any more than any one else in this world...nevertheless, there it is. I don't think I like the idea of preferential treatment based on a person's homeland, seeing how that is the cause of so much struggle and strife in this part of the world....anyway, I guess I am rambling.
By the way, 27 feels much older than 26 (and sounds much older too). Maybe it is because I realize how old I am, and how little of my life goals I have completed. I mean, I still haven't stopped world hunger, saved the whales or the rainforest, issued in world peace, traveled to Mars, eaten one of every animal on the planet, invented the perpetual motion machine, sufficiently explained ALL of Zeno's paradoxes (though I've solved the majority of them), or write a book longer than Tolstoy (of course none of those are really my goals, except the eating one of every animal, that one is real).

OK, I am done with my tirade of random comments. Til next time


Cove Girl said...

The world is a very small place. That's amazing about meeting someone like that over there.

27 huh. . .wait until you turn 30. I think the "weight" of age is felt more by the experiences, good or bad, that follow us around and what we've learned from them.

Anonymous said...

Noah, sometimes you're surprisingly funny. The worlds not so big as it seems huh. Dad read your letter to us all on Sunday. It was really encouraging. Did you hear that your mountain is about to explode? If it waits a few weeks Jason and Jo will have a front row seat. : ) btw is it too late for you to change your mind about coming to Jo's wedding???

Noah said...

yeah I heard about the angry mountain. I wish I could see it go off.
Yeah, it is too late for me to change my mind. Video record it for me and put it on Youtube :)