Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another video, of greater importance

I created this because some time back I visited a refugee camp, and still think about it. I am not making any kind of political statement with this. Some people may cite all kinds of reason why people in this world live in such abject conditions...this video is not about reasons. It is about results. Please realize that this could have been your life...

As Christians we ought to be the first to have compassion on the suffering...and do what we can to heal them.

The video is a compiliation of other videos with some added pictures and comments of my own. The video needs editing still, but Windows Movie Maker keeps crashing when I open it...so I guess this is kinda as far as it goes. There is some repitition, but try to focus on the message, especially the last 3 minutes or so. The music is Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber, quite possibly the most powerful music ever written.

Please let me know what you think


Anonymous said...

Very moving. My heart aches, we in America are so removed and spoiled. Videos like this should be mandatory to be a significant part of our education so that maybe one day we could truly say "Never Again" I think the outcry from society would be that it is too disturbing.....well it sure should be. The entertainment world thrives on disturbing....this is reality.
Happy Birthday my son, Love you, Mom

Kassandra said...

Happy Birthday Noah!!!! :o) Hope you're having a great day!

Chord said...

Happy Birthday:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Noah!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Noah,

You were just days old when i first met you Noah. You were a beautiful baby, all pinked cheeked,, and blue eyed. Snuggled in a soft yellow blankey if i recall. There was snow on the ground, and a fire in the woodstove. It was a wonderful day!

Happy day me friend.. love deba

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Noah,

You were just days old when i first met you Noah. You were a beautiful baby, all pinked cheeked,, and blue eyed. Snuggled in a soft yellow blankey if i recall. There was snow on the ground, and a fire in the woodstove. It was a wonderful day!

Happy day me friend.. love deba

Jenn said...

Happy Birthday Noah!!!! HOpe you're having a great day. The McBroom Family!!!

Anonymous said...

Really appreciated the reminder of your video. Even as Christians in America, we SO easily lose sight of the abundant blessings we enjoy. What's worse is how little we think about the rest of the world's suffering; not just physically, but more importantly, spiritually. Thanks for posting this.

blondevue... said...

Very thought provoking Noah. Thank you for posting this, I watched it with the kids and we were all able to discuss it together. We all hope you had a great birthday!
Keep up the great posts.

Happy Girl said...

I really liked watching this video because it really brings it all up close and personal. It's going on all around us, but yet we don't see it. Well at least I don't. I remember a while back watching a movie about the Rwanda genocide and I was pretty mortified because I had never seen anything like that before. The more I know about the world, the more I am thankful for the USA even with it's problems and downfalls.
Praying for you - Lanae`