Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What is man that thou art mindful of him?

I have noticed a great fault in myself. It is a faulty memory. I find that I so easily forget who and what I am. I forget who it is that has made me what I am, and who keeps me from becoming in reality what I am inside. I seem not to remember what I would be were if not for the grace of God, and that it is only His grace that keeps me from slipping.

When you live in third world or developing nations it can become all too easy to start looking at the people around you with some form of inferiority because they are uneducated, or because they are dirty, or 'uncivilized'. I hate the fact that my flesh wants me to believe that. I know that in my flesh there is no good thing. If there is anything good in me, it is not because of me. I know what I am; a worm. how can a worm be proud? he can ever only look up from the dirt in which he lives. Yes, a worm, I would be so lucky.

Today I renew my affirmation that it is truly by the grace of God I am what I am. I know that I am nothing. Yet, this knowledge leads me, for the millionth time, to ask the question, "why God, if I am nothing, have you given everything for me?" I think this question is the most wonderful thought that ever blessed the heart of man, for to me it is that very question which gives me the answers to my life.

Life is amazing and wonderful, if for no other reason than because we don't deserve it. Nevertheless we have it, and we have it because of Love. I pray I never take that for granted.


blondevue... said...

A great truth. I am so glad that He hath given us these to abide on.
This week has been a good week of revival here in Hawaii, a week that I needed to remember who and what I am before God.
Thanks for bringing this out in your writing.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you,

alaskan arndts said...

If we kept that before us all the time our Christian walk would be so much more amazing.


P.S. Why can't I ever take pictures like that? I drive past that thing four times a week!

Cove Girl said...

That picture is amazing! What mountain is that?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We are truly nothing without his grace.

Noah said...

The mountain is called mount Redoubt. It is the mountain I grew up looking at, specially commercial fishing. It is amazing during the summer when the sunsets last for two hours. The whole mountain turns red/purple.

Cove Girl said...

That's awesome, and I thought I was lucky with Mt. Rainer and the Olympics.