Thursday, January 28, 2010

I love sports

I've realized something about myself while living in the Middle East: I love sports. Actually I love anything that involved physical activity, and the more strenuous it is the better. But the be honest, I already knew that about myself, I just realized how much I miss it, because I don't have the opportunity to play many sports over here.
However, since I came back from Alaska I decided that I was going to start exercising more and stop eating sugar. I've always exercised alot, but because of my back injury I had to stop. So for the last 3 or 4 months I've been going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week (usually two due to time constrains). But the times I don't go to the gym I do some sort of exercise in my apartment, or where ever I happen to be. All of the exercise, even in the gym, is based on a Cross-Fit philosophy, i.e. it's not about how long you exercise or how much you lift, its about how much your work the body as a whole and who dead tired you can make yourself.
Anyway, with the combination of the exercise and eating right (I've not had any soda now for 3 months) I've almost got up to long-saught-after 200 lbs (197), with no noticable fat, I feel stronger, and my back pain almost never surfaces. So, this is my tribute to Cross-Fit style exercise and health-conscience eating.


Aaroneous said...


Suzie said...

Glad you found something to help your back, Noah.

Heard you had some sickness, hope you are feeling better. Been thinking and praying for you.

Unknown said...

You go Doh!
Endorphins are great. Ran 4 miles every other day in Hawaii and it felt great. I on the other hand have lost 15 pounds and feel good. Praying for you and hoping you could still enjoy the peppernuts. There's not much sugar in them!

Kassandra said...

While the thought of "seeing how dead tired you can make yourself" makes me wrinkle my nose, I'm glad you found something physically demanding that you enjoy doing. :o) And what a bonus that it helps your back! I'm sure that's a tremendous blessing. :o)

I think I'm done going to the gym for the time being (I went this past Friday). Haha, my 40 week pregnant body can't handle it much more. I've never neccessarily ENJOYED working out, but I think I'm looking forward to it after the baby gets here, and I've recovered enough to get back into it. :o)

It was good to talk to you on Skype the other day with everyone else. Hope you're doing well! :o)