Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The American Embassy is for who???

I went to the American Embassy here today, which is a pain to find and a long drive. One thing I have noticed while living abroad, especially in the middle east, is that unlike every other country in the world, the US Embassies do not exist for the service of American Citizens. The exist for the citizens of the local country, so they can get Visas and ask questions, and other things. What proof do I have? American Citizen services, for the US embassy, is only open 3 days a week, for 3 hours a day. Now, you can make a special appointment with the consular, but you have to go in person to make the appointment...On the other hand, non-resident alien services have about 16 hours a week dedicated for them.
What is worse is that you are treated almost like a suspect criminal (at least in Lebanon, Jordan was a little better). After I finished my required tasks I wanted to go look around the Embassy grounds, since it is in a very pretty location, very large, and well-maintained, plus they have basketball and tennis courts, and supposedly a swimming pool, only to be told by security guards that I was not allowed to do any such thing. I decided to protest a little, and said "ya khay hada mish ma32uul, hal-ard ard amerikiiya" - which means (roughly) "hey man that's not right, this is american soil". I figure I have a right to walk around and see it. So he sent me to another guard who said they same thing, who sent me to another guy who said the same thing, who sent me to another guy who...yep, said the same thing, but gave me a phone number for who I should call...I had given up by that point. I think the whole thing would have been easy to take if it had been a US Marine telling me these things, but I did not see a single US serviceman in the entire place...it is all guarded by Lebanese forces...kinda disheartening haha.
Anyway, not sure why I decided to ramble about that. Just in case any of you who have never lived outside the US were interested in how our Embassies operate.


Unknown said...

hmmm......thats actually a little scary. Sure hope there is never any trouble that you would need them to help you out with.

blondevue... said...

That's sad. I wouldn't have ever thought our Embassy's operated that way.
Take care,

Aaroneous said...

here's your problem...

ya khay hada mish ma
uul, hal-ard ard amerikiiya

you said numbers at him!! he probably didn't understand.

Caleb & Lisa Humphrey said...

Hey Noah,

Just thought I'd let you know Caleb and I have a blog now, we have pictures of the house. We just moved into the garage, (little warmer than the trailer). God held off the snow until the day before we moved in, it's amazing.