Thursday, September 11, 2008

Insomnia no longer a myth

I’ve always taken it for granted that I have never been seriously effected by jet lag…but I guess this last week has made up for it. Until today, I haven’t slept past 4am for the past week, no matter how tired I seem to feel. Even then it is broken sleep that lasts about two hours maximum. I attribute a large portion of this to being notably sick, sicker than I can remember being for a few years. I had considered going to a doctor, but a few days ago started to feel like I was getting better. It was one of those times when you wish your mommy was around...I am almost fully recovered now. So, between the jet lag and the sickness I had quite a lovely first week back in Jordan. I am glad that I at least had a place to lay down and not be bothered, even if it was 90 degrees in the apartment. The thing that was most annoying was that exhausted, nearly unconscious feeling you have when you are so tired that you can’t get anything done, but for some reason can’t sleep either, so you end up kinda existing in a semi-conscious stupor. The bright side (actually there are lots of bright sides) is that the first day I was here I went and bought a blender and a bunch of fruit. So, I’ve been eating smoothies for about 50% of my diet…they are ssooo good. And of course there is humus.
Things are going well here (despite my little sissy boy whining about insomnia and sickness). I started work a couple days ago. Working hours are officially 8-2, which really means about 9-1, so pretty easy start. Yesterday and today I was able to see a number of my old friends at the university. It was really nice to see them again. I saw a couple of the new language students struggling to learn the basics of Arabic, which made me feel pretty good, but that didn’t last very long, because about later that day I was talking to a friend on the phone. We were just discussing how the summer and telling stories, when in mid-sentence, she said to me, “you need to take some more Arabic courses”. Blunt and to the point…I thanked her for her arabness, and assured her I planned on improving my Arabic.
Well, I better get back to doing some productive (now that I can). Adios muchachos


Jenn said...

Sorry about your insomnia...hope it gets better soon. we're praying for you. The MCbrooms

alaskan arndts said...

Glad you're feeling better and at least semi-enjoying being back. We're praying for you too.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Jo would fit right in there. :)