Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Around Alaska

Hey Everybody, I finally made it around to making a post. I have been busy back here in Alaska. I have had a good time visiting friends and family. It was pretty weird coming back to the US...It is SO different than Lebanon. It still amazes me just how easy everything is here, and how simple it is to get things done. It is like the complete opposite of Lebanon. I just came back from a quick 4-day visit down to the Pennisula to see my mom, sister, brother, niece, and grandfather. That is probably about the biggest family gathering I can remember. It was really nice, I got to play with my niece alot, talk to my family, and even get to see some really cool Alaskan things. Instead of talking about it all, I'll save us all time and just out the pictures and videos:

These two pictures are from the last trip I made in Lebanon. The lower picture is the valley we hiked through (called Wadi Qadisha). The upper pic is a 2000 year-old Roman bridge we found while trying to cross the creek running in the valley.

We tried to go dip-netting on one of the rivers and when we arrived at the fishing area we found this guy. He stayed around for over an hour and must have eaten 7 or 8 fish. The fish were all spawning out, so we decided he could keep them all. Nonetheless, pretty cool.

This is my super great niece, Devynn. She is so much fun. Here she was eating Salmon berries that we found on a hiking trail over in Seward.

These are just some pictures of Alaskan scenery. The mountain is Mt. Redoubt, taken from my mom's place in the caribou hills. The lower picture is Exit Glacier over in Seward.

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