Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Thats right, it finally happened! It is real snow too. It started early this morning, about 6 or 7, but started to really snow by 8, just as I was leaving for work. I worked for about three hours, then they closed the physics department. So on our way out (the other research assistant and I) I decided to make a snow man, since there was about 3 or 4 inches by that time. She just stood there more or less amazed (building snow men is apparently not a Jordanian past time, especially for girls). The snow was perfect for snow men (and snow balls), so it made it easy, and after about 10 minutes I had the universities first snow man. The arms are palm cool is that? During the process I attracted a small crowd who, after I was finished, took pictures with the snow man. I don't know how long it will stay, hopefully for a couple days, but people say it will probably be gone after a day.

I think I was the happiest person Jordan. Amman looks totally different with snow, so much more beautiful. Strange how something so seemingly simple can make one so happy. Hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do.

how many people get to see palm tree with snow on them?

Here are some of my interested onlookers

the University Library


Kassandra said...

Yay! :o) I'm so glad it snowed there! What a blessing for you. :o)

~Kluane said...

Neato=o) snow on palm trees. We haven't been able to make snowman this year because the snow is too powdery, but yours is neat.

Anonymous said...

Hello there Noah! Good to see you in the snow and ice! I love Global warming!! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside just thinking about it. Oh yeah, Fairbanks is going to get -30 to-50 below this weekend.. brrrrrr!!
Well I want you to know that we love you very much and are praying for you. I would lvoe to go over there and see and experience the things that you are.... maybe some day soon...
Keep your chin off the ice. love, travis

alaskan arndts said...

How cool is that? Hope you take full advantage of while it lasts!