Monday, June 11, 2007

Near the end

Looking at my blog makes me miss my niece. In fact it makes me miss all of my brother the most.
I am currently sitting in a motel room taking a break from studying Arabic, trying to get ready for the language school that starts in five days. Sunday morning I was with the Sickmeyers in Worthington, MN (of which I had a incredibly good time with them, and with the church). Brother Sickmeyer asked what I did in my leisure time...I told him I'll figure it out when I get some haha. All my church visits have been wonderful. I so much enjoy meeting new people. My only regret is that I don't get to spend more time with them, but the lost, unreached world cries out and I dare not linger.
Tomorrow brother Martin and I are going down to Dubuqe, or rather he is taking me down there (I am such a mouche). Actually he was planning on going down some times soon anyway, and this gave me convenient reason to go down. I am excited to meet brother Harbin.
I am now almost positive I will be going over to Washington and Oregon after my language school in La Crosse for about three weeks before I leave for the Middle East. I am almost positive that my mom is going to come down at the end of August, and maybe my sister and Devynn as well. That would be really neat. I am trying to line up meetings for the whole time I will be there. I am confident things will work out...they always do with God.

I will post again before I start the school, since I will out of contact for those two months due to the nature of the language school. I will try to post some pictures next time. Until then,
مع سلامة



blondevue... said...

Its good to hear that everything is going so well.
That would be wonderful if your Mom and sister were able to see you before you left for the middle east.
Enjoy language school, and as Dad would say "learn alot" :-)

Anonymous said...

hey man I'd really love you hear from you on the phone before you start school.